Spike and Dru's Paradise

This is a page devoted to the cheekiest vampires of them all, Spike (William the Bloody) and Druscilla. These two vampire lovers tormented Buffy the Vampire Slayer throughout the last season of Buffy, and will be sorely missed until they reappear in Season Three of Buffy. Buffy just would not be the same without Spike's evil (yet hysterical) comments and Druscilla's complete insanity. Plus, we need a villian if Angel is stuck in Hell. This page does have pics and sound bytes from the other cast members. So, without further ado, proceed into Spike and Dru's realm.

This is how many Spike and Dru lovers have visited the page since 10/08/98. If you come back, I won't invite Spike and Dru into your house . . .

Take this Buffy the Vampire Slayer Quizlet and let your opinions count!


Spike and Dru Fanfiction
For the dirty minds out there (like mine), here are links to some mainly adult fiction featuring characters from Buffy. . .

Spike and Dru's Pics
Enter if you dare. . .

Spike Quotes
Quotes from the man himself

Sounds of Spike and Dru
Be prepared to laugh your asses off!

And for those of you who prefer the rest of the cast (though I can't imagine why). . .
Cast Pictures


Season 3 Episode Guide

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