Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam in a Maui concert

Welcome to Vedder4Me’s Awesome, Completely Random Webpage.

Hey Guys, sorry this took soooo long. . . my friend is going on a date and needs my advice on his clothing. . . plus, I could not find a good version of the "Alive man" anywhere. Click here to see the pic. It's in black, not silver...

Here's a Quizlet devoted to the best and worst band of the 80s: The New Kids on the Block. I never realized how much my dad sacrificed for me until recently, but he actually to me to a New Kids concert when I was 9. Imagine: thousands of screaming 8-13 year olds and really shitty music. Now that's love!

Since the webpage originated, I have made several changes. Therefore, on this page you can find an excellent Buffy the Vampire Slayer Page, a Simpsons page, and a Billy Madison Page.

As an additional bonus, the ladies out there will enjoy a Hot Guys page, devoted to the sexiest guys around. Check it out!

For those of you who desperately need your Pearl Jam fix: I know where you are coming from, and because of my deep love for the band, I have expanded and devoted an entire site to the band. Come visit!

Also, I DID NOT get rid of the Broncos page. It has also moved on to a better (and more spacious) place. Click here to be magically whisked away to BroncosLuver's Paradise. The page is expanding exponentially, so check up on it often!

If you have any comments on the page, please email me at nchamp@uclink4.berkeley.edu.

Look at all these awesome people who have visited my page since 10/08/98. It's hard to be as cool as they are, but you can try by visiting my page repeatedly.

Vedder4Me's Pearl Jam Page