Spike's Page O' Quotes

Okay, so my favorite episode for Spike and Dru would have to be "Lie To Me" from the Second Season. That's where the great majority of these quotes are coming from until I can get more from the transcripts. If you have any favorites you want to have on the page, email me, and I'll find and include them. Read away!
From Lie To Me
Spike: "Do I have anyone on watch here? It's called security, people. Are you all
asleep? Or did we finally find a restaurant that delivers?"
Ford: "I know who you are."
Spike: "Yeah, I know who I am too, so what?"
Ford: "I wanna be like you. A vampire."
Spike: "I've known you for two minutes and I can't stand you. I don't really
feature you living forever. (to Druscilla)Can I eat him now, love?"
FromBecoming Part II
Buffy: "What do you want?"
Spike: "I told you. I want to stop Angel. I want to save the world."
Buffy: "Okay, you do remember that you're a vampire, right?"
Spike: "We like to talk big... vampires do. "I'm going to destroy the world."
That's just tough-guy talk. Strutting around with your friends over a pint of
blood. The truth is, I like this world. You've got...dog racing, Manchester
United. And you've got people. Billions of people walking around like Happy
Meals with legs. It's all right here. But then someone comes along with a vision.
With a real... passion for destruction. Angel could pull it off. Good-bye, Picadilly.
Farewell, Leicester-bloody-Square."
Spike: "What, your Mom doesn't know?"
Joyce: "Know what?"
Buffy: "That I'm, uh...in a band. A rock band...with Spike here."
Spike: "Right. She plays the-the triangle--"
Buffy: (simultaneously)"--Drums."
Spike: "Drums, yeah. She's hell on the old skins, you know."
Joyce, to Spike: "And, uh, what do you do?"
Spike: "I sing."
Okay, this is my FAVORITE Spike quote, from any episode. Yes, it is from the Lie To Me Episode.
Drusilla: My tummy was growly. And you were out. (to the bird) Come on. (whistles) I'll pout if you don't sing.
Spike: (puts his arms around her) You, um, meet anyone? Anyone interesting? Like Angel?
Drusilla: Angel.
Spike: Yeah. So... (kisses her forehead) What might you guys have talked about, then? Old times? Childhood pranks? It's a little off, you two so friendly, him being the enemy and all that.
Drusilla: (to the bird) I'll give you a seed if you sing.
Spike: The bird's dead, Dru. You left it in a cage, and you didn't feed it, and now it's all dead, just like the last one.
Drusilla cowers and whines.
Spike: Oh, I'm sorry baby. I'm a bad, rude man. I just don't like you goin' out, that's all. You are weak. (takes her hand) Would you like a new bird? One that's not dead? (sucks on her finger)
More Spike Quotes to come. . .Stay tuned!
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